GDF MOU – Hampton Court Airstrip

El Dorado Trading with signed MOU for the GDF to use their airfield

On April 16, 2022 the Guyana Defense Force and Tamesh Jagmohan, owner of the Hampton Court airstrip, entered into an MOU for the military’s use of the facility. Pictured is GDF Chief of Staff, Brigadier General Godfrey Bess (left) with Tamesh Jagmohan (centre) and Pavasky Jagmohan (right).


This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) formalizes a pre-existing informal arrangement. The Force’s Air Corps will continue to have use of the airstrip at no cost.

Why this Matters

Usage of the Hampton Court airstrip enables the GDF Air Corps to provide support to the Force’s locations in the Pomeroon-Supenaam region of Guyana.

The airstrip is also used to carry out relief flights to civilian areas.

This public/private partnership arrangement helps in providing adequate defence and security for Guyana.

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