Our Responsibilities

El Dorado Trading

Supporting A Resilient And Viable Market For Artisanal Gold In Guyana


Responsible mining that respects and conserves the environment for future generations.

Supply Chain

Traceability and due diligence to ensure that the origin of gold is clear of conflict and human rights abuses.


Works closely with supplier miners to provide them with a reliable and secure market to sell their gold.

Community Support

Actively engage with and provide support, to the local communities we operate in and, to the wider community of Guyana.

Aerial view of Kaieteur Falls in Guyana


Guyana is blessed with many natural resources including gold. Extracting them responsibly while maintaining the extensive natural forests and waterways is a goal for all Guyanese.

El Dorado Trading supports the planetGold Guyana initiative to phase out the use of mercury in gold mining by the year 2025.

The company’s offices use well-designed scrubbers to filter fumes from the smelting process. No sponge gold is purchased.

Staff are well equipped with respirators and safety suits to protect them while working.


The majority of Guyana’s gold mining is done by artisanal and small scale miners. El Dorado Trading understands the needs and limitations facing these miners.

  • Branch network of buying offices located in mining areas and transit points.
  • Assist miners with decision making to achieve business growth.
  • Provide full guidance to miners on how to operate and remain compliant with sector regulations and requirements.
  • Active participant at GGDMA meetings and seminars.

“I love working collaboratively with you, you’re always so authentic and enthusiastic. So glad for your guidance and expertise.”

Yours sincerely,

“As a client I feel I’m always a priority and always comfortable whenever I am there to do business. They work with honesty, professionalism, and integrity from start to finish. Also, security is always on point. Any potential client will be ecstatic with their service.”


Supply Chain

El Dorado Trading is committed to ensuring that artisanal and small scale miners in Guyana have access to a reliable, legal, and resilient market that can open access to international markets.

The company has directly funded the planning stages for developing a gold traceability program. This program is a joint public/private effort involving local government as well as international bodies.

Establish procedures in line with Industry best practices.

  • LBMA – Responsible Gold Guidance
  • OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas.
  • EITI Standard 2023

Community Support

At El Dorado Trading, we recognize and live up to our responsibilities to our stakeholders and the wider community of Guyana. We are committed to conducting our business in an ethical and socially responsible way.

El Dorado Trading understands the needs of remote communities and actively engages with and supports the local residents.

The company provides support to individuals, communities, organizations, and government services of Guyana.

We are responsible to the communities in which we conduct our business to behave as good citizens, to minimize any disruptive effect of our or our customers’ operations, to support community endeavors and good causes, and to make a positive impact. We are responsible to the wider community to minimize the environmental impact of our business by reducing our consumption of resources and the waste we produce.

Tamesh Jagmohan
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